(423) 337-6979

Boards & Commissions




City Board MembersMayor & Board of Commissioners


» City Board Meeting Videos

» Meeting Schedule

» Meeting Agendas & Minutes


Sweetwater is a home-rule municipality governed by a Mayor and Board of Commissioners. The Mayor and five Commissioners are elected in Citywide election every two years for four-year staggered terms. Three Commissioners are elected in one election cycle and the Mayor and two Commissioners in the other cycle.

Each Commissioner is designated to be in charge of a City Department during an organizational meeting following each biennial election. The Commissioners also designate one of their number to serve as Vice-Mayor. The Board is presently organized as follows:



Doyle Lowe

Doyle Lowe


James Stutts

James Stutts

Police Commissioner

Lamar Hughes

Lamar Hughes

Parks & Recreation Commissioner

Sam Moser

Sam Moser

Planning & Development
Safety & Tourism Commissioner


Alan Richeson

Allen Richeson

Fire Commissioner

Joanna Jinks

JoAnna Jinks

Street Commissioner





Board of Education


» Meeting Schedule


Five members oversee the four schools in the City's Pre-K through eighth grade system. A City Commissioner sits on the Board as liaison to the City Board of Commissioners. For full information, visit the Sweetwater School System's website.



Historic Zoning Commission



» Meeting Schedule

The Historic Zoning Commission is made up of Architect; Historic Member; a Planning Commission member; and citizen members. They have developed the Design Guidelines for the residential and commercial historic zoning districts. This Commission is appointed by the City's Board of Commissioners and serve staggered terms.  Their purpose is to protect the historic integrity of the city and its historic homes and buildings. The Historic Zoning Commission meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.




Utilities Board

» Meeting Schedule

L.D. Moree, Jr., Chair. The five members of Sweetwater Utilities Board are elected by the City Board of Commissioners. A City Commissioner sits on the Board as well. Day to day operations are overseen by Eric Hicks, SUB General Manager. For full information, visit the Sweetwater Utilities Board's website.






Parks & Recreation Commission



» Meeting Schedule

The six members of this commission are named by the City Board of Commissioners on rotating terms to set policy and priorities for the City's park and recreation facilities.




Planning Commission



» Meeting Schedule

» Meeting Agendas

Branham Lovingood, Chair. The Mayor and one City Commissioner serve on the Planning Commission. The other seven members are citizens appointed by the Mayor. The Planning Commission has regional status within the City's urban growth boundary. The Planning Commission reviews all development plans within its region to insure compliance with zoning and subdivision regulations.



Library Board of Trustees



» Meeting Schedule

Stuart Sadikoff, Chair. The nine members of the Library Board are elected by the City Board of Commissioners. A City Commissioner also serves as liaison to the City Board. The Library Board establishes policy for the Sweetwater Public Library and day to day operations are overseen by Library Director Tania Rich.




Housing Authority



» Meeting Schedule

The five members of the Housing Authority Board are nominated by the Mayor and elected by the City Board of Commissioners. They oversee operations of the public housing facilities in the City.



Tree Board



» Meeting Schedule
» Sweetwater Arboretum Brochure
» Landscape Ordinance


Six citizen members join the Planning and Development Officer, Parks Director, and a representative of Sweetwater Utilities Board in evaluating, protecting, and enhancing the City tree stock. The Tree Board is responsible for the City's annual Arbor Day observances, a semiannual tree sale, and has obtained Tree City recognition each year of its existence.

Current members include: Chairman Jill Alliman, Jennifer Waller, Fred Camp, Mary Chappell-Crabtree, Randy Miller, Wes Isbill, Pidge Collette, and Ashley Myers.


The Tree Board recently added a Certified Arboretum to Engleman Park.




Sweetwater Main Street Committee



» Meeting Schedule

This committee is appointed by the Sweetwater Merchants & Property Owners Association, Inc and funded by the City of Sweetwater Merchants & Property Owners Association, Inc and funded by the City of Sweetwater as a private-public partnership. The organization’s mission is to improve downtown Sweetwater through the National Main Street Organization's 4-point approach including Economic Restructuring, Design, Promotion, and Organization. For more information, email Josh Issac, Director, or call (423) 337-6979.




Sweetwater Valley Citizens for the Arts



» Meeting Schedule

This nonprofit organization provides arts programming throughout the year to the community and in the public schools. The Board of Directors joins Tim Rasmussen, Director in providing programs such as artists in the schools, community chorus, a summer concert series, and art exhibits and expositions.  You may reach Tim at 423-337-5976.



Beer Board



» Meeting Schedule
» Beer Permit Application



When needed, the Beer Board is the Mayor and Board of Commissioners. The City allows a certain number of off-premise and on-premise beer permits within its corporate limits. More information is available from the City Administrator office at City Hall if needed.



Heritage Museum Board



» Meeting Schedule



The Sweetwater Heritage Museum Board was reactivated in late 2010 in order to continue the preservation work of the Sweetwater Heritage Museum. This 9-member board meets monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall. The Sweetwater Heritage Museum is open Saturdays and Sundays 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. with free admission.